分享二维码 TMEGA ACADEMY国际幼儿学院

机构简介: 查看详情

INTRODUCTIONS 学校简介 狮王(国际)教育集团成立于1994年11月1日,一直秉持“缔造中国素质教育第一品牌”的企业目标,“对孩子一生负责”的企业使命以及“实现高效学习、成就未来领袖”的办学宗旨,提出“品格素质、核心能力、应试能力全方位三合一系统教学”的教育理念,不断致力于高效学习环境的研发创建,至今已创立“儿童美语”、“中小学教育”、“出国留学”及“成人英语”四大最具科学性、专业性的品牌教学体系,推出“狮王国际儿童美语”、“狮王黑客数学”、“狮王出国留学游学”、“狮王全能英语”、“狮王旅行学校”、“狮王国际英语俱乐部”、“企业培训”等精品课程,为各年龄段的学习者提供全方位高效学习课程。 The Lion King (International) education group was founded in November 1, 1994, has been adhering to the "build China's first brand of quality education" enterprise objectives, "responsible" for the child's life the enterprise mission and "achieve efficient learning, the achievement future leaders" mission, put forward "character quality, core competence, ability of taking a full range of three in one system teaching" philosophy of education, constantly committed to the development of efficient learning environment, has been the creation of "children", "education", "study abroad" and "adult English" four most scientific, professional brand teaching system, launched the "Lion International Children English", "the lion king the hacker mathematics", "lion abroad study tour", "the lion," English "Lion Travel School", "the Lion King International English club", "training" and other excellent curriculum, offering a full range of efficient learning courses for all ages of learners.